Nous contacter Imagination turns into reality with us Aurocore Technology, votre partenaire incontournable pour donner vie à vos idées
grâce à des solutions technologiques innovantes et sur mesure.
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Aurocore Technology accompagne les entreprises en leur offrant des solutions technologiques innovantes et sur mesure.
Notre mission est de simplifier la gestion informatique, d'améliorer la productivité et de renforcer la sécurité des infrastructures numériques
tout en aidant les entreprises à rester compétitives dans un monde en constante évolution
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Gestion experte des services informatiques
Prestataire de services informatiques pour entreprises

Nous assurons une gestion experte de vos services informatiques

Externaliser votre informatique, c’est optimiser votre activité. Notre expertise couvre la maintenance proactive, la cybersécurité avancée, et le maintien constant de la conformité réglementaire. Libérez-vous des contraintes techniques et recentrez-vous sur votre métier.

Datacenters Aurocore Technology

Nos Datacenters à Nantes, Rennes et Paris

Aurocore Technology exploite des datacenters situés stratégiquement à Nantes, Rennes et Paris, garantissant une proximité optimale avec nos clients ainsi qu'une connectivité exceptionnelle.
Nos centres de données offrent une infrastructure de pointe, entièrement redondante, sécurisée et surveillée en continu pour assurer la disponibilité permanente de vos services critiques.

Our Services

We run all kinds of IT services with 20 years of experience


We Take Care of Your Technology Focus on Your Business

Since 2007 we have been a visionary and a reliable software engineering partner for world-class brands. We are a boutique digital transformation consultancy and software development.

What We Offer For You

Here are some Milestones

Reason to Reject following Drawbacks

High-tech industries play an important role in the modern economy, and often experience significantly higher pay than other industries. And Digital solutions have transformed the world’s.

Sometimes you get into it for the wrong reasons, & eventually it hits you on the face. These reasons can be drawbak but an eye opener too. These reasons can be drawbak but an eye opener too.

  • Complete software platform development
  • Practice maturity in hardware, firmware and middleware
  • Device and field testing for electronics
  • Device and field testing for electronics
  • Practice maturity in hardware, firmware and middleware

Reason to Reject following Drawbacks

High-tech industries play an important role in the modern economy, and often experience significantly higher pay than other industries. And Digital solutions have transformed the world’s.

Sometimes you get into it for the wrong reasons, & eventually it hits you on the face. These reasons can be drawbak but an eye opener too. These reasons can be drawbak but an eye opener too.

  • Complete software platform development
  • Practice maturity in hardware, firmware and middleware
  • Device and field testing for electronics
  • Device and field testing for electronics
  • Practice maturity in hardware, firmware and middleware

Reason to Reject following Drawbacks

High-tech industries play an important role in the modern economy, and often experience significantly higher pay than other industries. And Digital solutions have transformed the world’s.

Sometimes you get into it for the wrong reasons, & eventually it hits you on the face. These reasons can be drawbak but an eye opener too. These reasons can be drawbak but an eye opener too.

  • Complete software platform development
  • Practice maturity in hardware, firmware and middleware
  • Device and field testing for electronics
  • Device and field testing for electronics
  • Practice maturity in hardware, firmware and middleware

Reason to Reject following Drawbacks

High-tech industries play an important role in the modern economy, and often experience significantly higher pay than other industries. And Digital solutions have transformed the world’s.

Sometimes you get into it for the wrong reasons, & eventually it hits you on the face. These reasons can be drawbak but an eye opener too. These reasons can be drawbak but an eye opener too.

  • Complete software platform development
  • Practice maturity in hardware, firmware and middleware
  • Device and field testing for electronics
  • Device and field testing for electronics
  • Practice maturity in hardware, firmware and middleware

Reason to Reject following Drawbacks

High-tech industries play an important role in the modern economy, and often experience significantly higher pay than other industries. And Digital solutions have transformed the world’s.

Sometimes you get into it for the wrong reasons, & eventually it hits you on the face. These reasons can be drawbak but an eye opener too. These reasons can be drawbak but an eye opener too.

  • Complete software platform development
  • Practice maturity in hardware, firmware and middleware
  • Device and field testing for electronics
  • Device and field testing for electronics
  • Practice maturity in hardware, firmware and middleware
About us

We deal with the aspects of professional IT Services



Years of Experience IT Bussiness

We Provide Outsourced IT Services For Small & Mid-Sized Business

Appropriate for your specific business, making it easy for
you to have quality IT services. What We Do
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